So, I made it to the end. It has been an up and down journey. At times I was grumbling at my computer saying things like, "I don't know how to get this to work!" Or "Who needs this anyway?!" At other times I was saying things like, "Wow! Cool! I can see how I this would work great in such and such a situation."
Overall, I am glad I did the course. I am also glad that it was done online at my convenience. I seemed to keep up for a while and then hit the holidays and got hopelessly behind. So it was nice to be able to come back to it and finish it up. However, sometimes, having it be all online was frustrating because when I got stuck, I would have no one to ask questions of except me , myself and my computer screen. Posting comments didn't seem to help any with this. But in the end, I bumbled through the things I wasn't sure of and am glad of the exposure to this if not the mastery of it.
Some of the things like Facebook and MySpace were not things I would use or that I can see our library using, but I was glad to have had exposure to them. Now I at least know what all those kids are spending hours doing on the computers when they are busy "talking" to their "friends."
Other things, like "online productivity tools" were things that I can see will be helpful as our library board tries to hash out polices or write grants while not always having time to meet in person to do this.
Overall, I am glad for the exposure too all this. I now know more of what is out there and have kept a copy of all the lessons so I can refer back to them if I want to go back and delve further into any one thing. I would be interested in another one of these discovery online courses again in the future. Perhaps even pick one or two "Things" that most people said were most useful to libraries and focus on those in a more in-depth way. Thank you for this opportunity.
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