Monday, October 6, 2008

Week 1- Thing 2-Exercise 2 (71/2 Habits)

After reading the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners, I was struck by how much it reminded me of many homeschoolers philosophies. I homeschooled all three of my kids from K-12. The last one just went off to college, so this is fresh on my mind. These habits read like a list of basic philosophies for our homeschooling, which makes sense since many homeschoolers view learning and education as an ongoing process, not something that happens only during "school hours" or during your K-12 or college years of life.

That said, I would say that the easiest habit for me is #1--Begin with the end in mind. I am a very goal-oriented person, so I am always setting goals and working toward carrying them out, while continually checking in to see if I have moved toward my goal.

I would say that the hardest one for me would be Habit # 6- Use technology to your advantage. Though I am somewhat computer literate, I do not naturally move toward doing things on a computer. I prefer writing on paper, list making on paper, letter writing etc. all on paper. So I have to make myself use the computer in certain cases. I need to learn more about technology so I can make a better decision as to when it is appropriate to use it and when it is not. Hence, I am taking this course toward that aim.

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